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The Old Church in Prairie Lea Texas
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Originally built in 1874, this photo taken in the late 1940s.
To Visit the Old Church Web-site, click on photo.
Photo-Magic: The Past Shaking Hands With Pastor Dave Dillon
To Visit the Old Church Web-site, click on photo
Four families organized the Methodist Church of Prairie Lea: George Francis, Pendleton Rector, W.F. Happle and Dr. James Fentress. For twenty years they met for worship in the early school buildings, and then worshipped in the Prairie Lea Academy which was built in 1854.
In 1871, Thomas Mooney deeded the land to the church for one dollar in which the current church was constructed in 1874.
With the congregation and the needs of the community growing, a Family Life Center was completed in 2002.
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